#EuSAVE #EuSAVE España #EuSAVE Portugal #EuSAVE Macedonia #EuSAVE Italia #EuSAVE Croacia #EuSAVE Bulgaria #EuSAVE Letonia

The project

In the #EuSAVE project will participate 40 small rural municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants, from 8 different countries (Spain, Italy, Croatia, Belgium, Portugal, Bulgaria, Republic of Macedonia and Latvia), belonging to the four areas of Europe (East, West, North and South). 

The project objective is to create a network of European smart historic villages that enhances the citizens’ involvement and participation in the socio-economic life of their villages, promoting social commitment actions and defining local development strategies based on the opportunities offered by the material and immaterial cultural heritage of those historic territories, as assets for the EU smart, sustainable and inclusive rural growth.

During a period of 2 years, a wide range of activities of citizen participation will be carried out by the transnational thematic working groups in the framework of the European smart historic villages network set by #EuSAVE project. Through those actions, a best practices mapping of successful initiatives aroused from the synergies between social innovation and cultural heritage will be developed. Moreover, local development strategies based on the cultural, heritage and historical values and assets of rural areas will be tracked. After being analyzed, the identified best practices will be transferred to the network, which will define joint development strategies and action lines for smart historic villages.

Finally, in order to ensure the continuity of the network beyond the project lifetime, a Transferability and sustainability plan will be elaborated. This plan will include guidelines on how to identify, transfer and formalize new collaboration agreements with other European rural municipalities, and will articulate a common framework of collaboration among the project partner entities (network members) in the future.


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