Day ERN4mob Excursion ERN4mob Proyect ERN4mob

The Project

ERN4mob – European Rural Network for Job Mobility is a European project promoted in the framework of the Programme Europe for Citizens 2014-2020 (Strand 2. Democratic engagement and civic participation, 2.2 Networks of Towns) aims to connect people from different European Union countries and beyond the Union who live together in the same local communities, to raise awareness of their common values and needs but also to promote the empowerment of their social and multicultural differences, through the creation of a network of European rural municipalities for job mobility that will work in the benefit of citizens' social and labour integration in order to achieve a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth of rural Europe 2020. 


  • Project start date: January 1st, 2016
  • Project end date: December 31st, 2017

Total budget

127.500 €


EU citizens involved in a mobility process, who live in other European country different than their origin one mainly for work reasons; immigrants to the EU; immigrants of second generations who have changed their residence to other UE country; EU citizens established in other European country after retiring; returned emigrants-UE citizens. However, the project activities are also directed to the general public from rural communities, especially the unemployed young people and the persons who have among their family, friends or neighbours, people involved in a mobility situation, having a impact also on them. A total of 470 participants are estimated to take part in the project activities.

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